jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

RF2015 and Maxwell Render : Let there be light! (wip)

Maxwell Render, what else.

in this video, we go over the latest enhancements for 
Maxwell Render integration inside RealFlow 2015. 

click to launch on Vimeo

MXS scene tree panel inside RealFlow 2015

final render mixing the imported MXS objects with the RF2015 fluids

MXS imported objects appear ghosted in the RealFlow scene

Photoshop(.psd) is now among the options to export your Maxwell passes

some tests with the FIRE(Fast Interactive Render Engine)

selecting the Alpha channel from embedded EXR options hides the environment image

final render after 10 mins on an old i7 (2760) machine

NOTE : the Multilight and Path features in the Maxwell Render panel inside RealFlow 2015 are part of the upcoming patch, due for release late September. 

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

Dyverso Dancer : inside story

UPDATE : Just managed to get the sim times down, while achieving way more detail with the PBD Solver . Higher resolution and only 3hrs 27 mins on my home machine, i73930 (thanks to Ivan Alduan for the tips:) The result mesh is also way better.
Check the new results @ bit.ly/1NYZAEt

this scene served as a stress test for the dyverso solver, especially with fast moving geometry.
the setup for this test is based in object emission, selecting faces from the geometry, and emitting from those.

again, a pretty simple scene setup, with only a handful of nodes in the RealFlow scene. geometry coming from Maya, using one of the mocap libraries and exporting it using the RFConnect, available from realflow.com/try.

we made use of the lock feature to have some initial fluid after running the simulation for 25 frames in lock mode.

the dyverso domain has high values for viscosity, surface tension and also the the external pressure modified, trying to contain the fluid from expanding, something that would be expected with a fast moving object like this one, which is emitting the fluid, but also colliding with it.

the mesh uses openVDB filtering, with some small values.


the trick with Dyverso is to have clear which solver suits our needs better
  • if we want something really fast, trading quality(although it can have great detail if we modify the substeps) dy-PBD or Position Based Dynamics is our solver
  • if we want the same detail we can get with the "old" Standard Particles, then dy-SPH is what we should choose. it will still be way faster than the old solver.


with dy-PBD, you can still fine tune your sims accuracy, and level of quality, by raising the substeps in your simulation options. the initial test for this scene, was using the adaptative substeps that come by default, together with the "Use geometry velocity" setting being activated. This setting ensures that the substeps are going to adapt to suit the geometry's velocity.
adaptative substeps

If we don´t need an accurate simulation, like in this case where things end up flying in a slightly chaotic way, we can speed up the simulations dramatically, by using fixed subteps instead.
Running on fixed low substeps is one of the beauties of the PBD solver.
In the case of using fixed substeps, it doesn´t really matter if we have or not "use geometry velocity" selected, the maximum substeps will be the ones we have fixed our value to.

The following images show two renders, one from the adaptative, the other from the fixed substeps sims. The adaptative simulation took slightly over 14hrs to simulate, the fixed one around 1h20ms. Pick your favorite ;)

adaptative substeps

fixed substeps 

download the demo and give it a go!!!


jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Hybrido 101 : Splash, Foam

in this fourth Hybrido lesson,
we cover the Splash generation,
and also Foam(from splash).


 always keep an eye on the @position variation value.
high numbers will generate massive amounts of foam.
reduce it to iterate faster while doing r&d tests.

check how cool RealFlow 2015 is
download the demo and give it a go!!!


martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

Hybrido 101 : Bubbles, Foam

in this third Hybrido lesson,
we start to cover
the generation of secondary elements.

bubbles, then foam(from bubbles),
as independent particle nodes,
get explained in this video.


 always keep an eye on the @position variation value.
high numbers will generate massive amounts of foam.
reduce it to iterate faster while doing r&d tests.

check how cool RealFlow 2015 is
download the demo and give it a go!!!


jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

it's a kind of MAGIC (101) : shape shifting

ever wonder how could you
morph into something different?

well, here is how you do it
and it a fast way:
MAGIC daemon


starting from a simple example,
we jump into RF2015 demo scenes,
and go over how that was setup.

get shifting!

download the demo and give it a go!!!


lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

let there be Splines! (101)

...and so it begins.
in this video, we explain the basis 
of the new Spline funcionalities
in RealFlow 2015.

from creating a single curve, 
to making a dyverso simulation
follow that curve as a path
with the help and guidance of 
two daemons:
dSpline and drag force.


download the demo and give it a go!!!


jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Crown Daemon 101 ´cos...RealFlow 2015 is finally out!

in this quick video, 
I will try to go over the basics
 of the new Crown Daemon on RF2015

hopefully, you will get an understanding
 on how to use this new cool tool.

download the demo and give it a go!!!


lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Hybrido 101 : Domain basics

In this lesson, 
we go over the most common parameters, 
for the Hybrido Domain node, 
that you need to know 
to achieve a simulation like this.

[I recorded this video using the upcoming RF2015 version, but you should be able to follow with any version from RealFlow 2013.] 

get RealFlow Demo and give it a go!



lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Hybrido 101 : Intro

in this initial lesson, 
we cover the basics of what hybrido is for,
give you some basics tips,
and run a very simple sim 
to get you familiar with this solver.

in the next lesson, we will start going over 
the individual elements on a more complex scenario,
with splash, foam, bubbles, etc.

stay tuned ;)

[I recorded this video using the upcoming RF2015 version, but you should be able to follow with any version from RealFlow 2013.] 

get RealFlow Demo and give it a go!



sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

RealFlow Daemons 101 : Filter & Melt demo scene

the filter daemon is one of the most used 
and powerful tools available
for controlling your RealFlow fluid simulations.

things that prior to its appearence back in RF5 
were only possible via scripting, are now just a few clicks away.

with this clip you will hopefully get the idea behind it, 
and end up experimenting with this wicked daemon.
don´t forget to check out the RealFlow demo scenes.


[I recorded this video using the upcoming RF2015 version, but you should be able to follow with any version from RealFlow 2013.] 

get RealFlow Demo and give it a go!



blogger tricks

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

gimme some tips!


in this section we try and demistify topics, clarify subjects and 
give hints on how to maximize performance in many RealFlow areas.

again, we will listen to requests ;)


lets de/re-construct what others do...


In this section we are going to try and recreate production shots&techniques, 
whether they have been created with RealFlow or with any other package. 

We will accept post suggestions ;) 


sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

RealFlow 101 : lets get started!

a very simple intro to 
explain the basic paradigms of RealFlow for new users on 
how to get something working with a few clicks, 
from simulation to render with 
Maxwell Render inside RealFlow.

[I recorded this RF101 video a few days ago. This is using the upcoming RF2015 version, but you should be able to follow with any version from RealFlow 2013.]

get RealFlow Demo and give it a go!



blogger tricks